CityDME - Jan 2nd 2024
How to Use The Knee Continous Passive Motion Machine (Pheonix 1850)

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to use the Phoenix 1850 Knee CPM machine. This device is crucial for individuals undergoing knee rehabilitation, aiding in the recovery process post-surgery or injury. Our guide is designed to simplify the operation of the Phoenix 1850, ensuring that patients can comfortably and effectively use the machine for their knee rehabilitation.
Six Easy Step Guide

Step 1: Understanding the Remote
The remote includes several buttons – Extension, Flexion, Pause, Speed, Up, Down, and Start/Stop. Each button has a specific function for customizing the machine's operation.
Step 2: Setting Extension
The extension is usually set at 0 degrees. If a change is needed, press and hold the EXT button, and simultaneously use the Up or Down button to reach the appropriate degree.
Step 3: Adjusting the Pause Time
The Pause button allows you to set the time between flexion and extension movements. For a longer pause than the minimum setting, press and hold the Pause button while toggling the Up/Down arrow to set your desired time.
Step 4: Modifiying Speed
To adjust the movement speed, press and hold the Speed button and toggle the Up/Down arrows to achieve the desired speed.
Step 5: Changing Flexion Degrees
The Flexion button is used to adjust the flexion degrees. Typically, it's recommended to increase the flexion degree by 5 every 2-3 days, following your doctor's advice. The machine usually starts at 20 degrees. To change it, press and hold the FLX button and the Up arrow simultaneously.
Step 6: Starting and Stopping the Excercise
Use the Start/Stop button to begin or end the exercise routine.
Need Help?
Contact CityDME for Help: If you're confused or need help with the machine, call CityDME. Remember, don't call your doctor for machine issues. And that's it! Follow these steps, and you'll be using your knee machine like a pro!